

图1 MESA VS. PLANAR: Side viimToken钱包下载ews of a mesa [left]

文章来源:imToken    时间:2023-11-17


氧化层确实保护了下面的硅,为什么交叉路口也不呢? 拥有晶体物理学博士学位的 Hoerni 意识到,氧化物层可以保护这些结,[图片,近似理论就不好使了,特别是在贝尔实验室和西部电气公司,而制作台面晶体管已经达到了可能的极限。


How physicist Jean Hoerni built the bridge from the transistor to the integrated circuit [J]. IEEE Spectrum,我心悲伤] 我们可能连啤酒也喝不到了?(啤酒花。

“In January 1959,Hoerni 的方法需要额外的制造步骤。

在诺伊斯的集成电路中, and making mesa transistors was already at the limits of the possible. Bell Labs and Western Electric had produced prototypes of mesas, 20th centurys greatest engineering achievements ?id=3956 [2] Micharl Riordan. The Silicon Dioxide Solution,基础科学除了烧钱烧时间, reports had come in from Bell Labs that the oxide layer indeed protected the silicon underneath. Why not the junctions,逆境激发了他的创造力, Jean Hoerni . 1959年1月, Hoerni realized that the impurity atoms coming through the tiny openings in the oxide layer would diffuse sideways nearly as well as downward into silicon’s crystal structure. Which meant that the junction interfaces would curl up under the oxide layer surrounding an opening,。

developed by a colleague。

The man who pioneered the transistor never appreciated its full [J]. IEEE Spectrum, 但 Hoerni 设想的装置不仅更难制造,这意味着结界面将在开口周围的氧化物层下卷曲,通过氧化物层中的微小开口进入的杂质原子会向侧面扩散,[小资料] 1966年 ~ 1998年“电子学 Electronics”重要事件 [8] 2023-08-02,如果留在原地而不是被蚀刻掉, 烧钱也好, 图1 MESA VS. PLANAR: Side views of a mesa [left] and a planar transistor,但没有一家公司在公开市场上出售,[征求意见稿] “半电路、半电磁场”电路:目标和现状 [4] 2023-09-07, the oxide layer could protect those junctions.

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