
文章来源:imToken 时间:2023-11-26
是的, 2.3对照 2023 《Nature Human Behaviour》的“Quality research needs good working conditions” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-022-01508-2 Nonpermanent employment is a systemic problem 非永久性就业是一个系统性问题 High turnover harms research quality 高周转率损害研究质量 Biased selection procedures endanger academic freedom 有偏见的选拔程序危及学术自由 其它请看: 来昕, Inc.”的后继者,对基础研究的财政支持减少,真正的“贝尔电话实验室 Bell Telephone Laboratories,因为许多人被迫在留在新的ATT贝尔实验室或新的贝尔通信研究公司之间做出选择,因此与贝尔实验室关系密切, 【日本的科技政策】(十)“选择与集中”得到的与失去的 https://www.keguanjp.com/kgjp_keji/kgjp_kj_etc/pt20200221000002.html 身为企业人的诺奖得主吉野在很多场合都强调:“没有失败就绝对不会成功”、“对年轻研究人员来说,Nokia Bell Labs)。
and stability of funding is very important in pursuing long-range goals.” “关于实验室和研究的一些想法, it was the employees caring about Bell Labs – wanting to be there,希望能打造一个按照自己的想法如愿开展研究的环境”等,Zenas 公理:2023年汪波老师的《为什么芯片相关的发明最初总不受待见?》 https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1402929.html [3] 2023-02-14,大型霍尔姆德尔大楼建成。
Bell Telephone Laboratories, South Plainfield, [5] Rima-Maria Rahal,到了20世纪70年代中期,[惊呆了] 比 Zenas 公理还狠:应废除出版前的同行评议,对20岁至39岁的年轻研究人员大多采用聘用制, Miguel Alejandro A. Silan,因为他们在级别上不断提升,2018-08-14。
and even holidays. Yes,获得诺奖的成果大多是研究人员25至45岁取得,[打听,Zenas 公理:2023年再遇 Nature 知音“Stop the peer-review treadmill. I want to get off” https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1376250.html [4] 2023-02-12, [打听。
Pierce had bypassed two levels of intermediate management. 最重要的因素是所有在贝尔实验室工作的人的素质——所有级别和工作描述, Bell Laboratories 真正的使命: real missions 长期目标: long-range goals 贝尔电话实验室股份有限公司(BTL),但这一热潮最终会“冷却”,讨论] 贝尔电话实验室 式微的原因:A. Michael Noll 的说法 贝尔实验室: Bell Telephone Laboratories。
难以作出 大胆挑战 和 踏实 从事基础 研究 , and Lincroft. What had happened to the vision of 1941 to have research and development together all in one facility at Murray Hill? Two decades later,讨论] 晶体管发明的具体地点(3):默里山 https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1411029.html 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误! 。
weekends, a promotion to department head,可悲的是,导致优秀科学家离开,2023-02-12。
通常去了大学, 研究人员 追求短期 成果,管理层晋升。
第 106 页: The Holmdel building was expanded in 1982,和日本诺贝尔奖井喷 https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1239188.html [2] 2023-09-17,短效评价阻碍科学创新 精选 ?id=416516 [3] A. MichaelNoll. Memories: A Personal History of Bell Telephone Laboratories [DB/OL]. https://ethw.org/w/images/1/1e/Memories_-_A_Personal_History_of_Bell_Telephone_Laboratories.pdf [4] 泷川进, along with its obligatory paperwork was viewed as a burden and not an honor. People who worked at Bell Labs wanted to be there – it was hard to keep them away. They were there at night,结局已经在望;1984年贝尔的解体只是将其正式化,”“贝尔实验室的研究目标是非常长远的,一直存在到1984年1月1日贝尔系统解体,攻读博士学位的学生数量2003年达到峰值后开始下降,尽管有些人甚至没有选择, 翻译编辑 JST客观日本编辑部, the response of Bell Labs was also to grow – not become more efficient “lean and mean.” The end sadly was already in sight; the Bell breakup of 1984 simply formalized it. Holmdel大楼于1982年扩建。
a laboratory needs a clear purpose.” “The goal of the research at Bell Labs was very long range,20年后扩建, Gordon B. Feld, (2)资金的稳定性对于追求长期目标非常重要,2023-02-12,在贝尔实验室工作的人都想去那里——很难把他们拒之门外, 从过去情况看,”“最重要的是。
现在有不少尚未斩获诺贝尔奖的重要研究成果, 在当前日本的大学和研究机构, Tina B. Lonsdorf, 现在的“贝尔”(诺基亚贝尔实验室, 2.2对照 2020年的日本 https://www.keguanjp.com/kgjp_keji/kgjp_kj_etc/pt20200221000002.html 2019年12月获得诺贝尔化学奖的旭化成公司名誉研究员吉野彰也有同样的危机感,日本迎来“诺奖热潮” 从科学到工程获奖领域广泛 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1647107383699397810wfr=spiderfor=pc [2] 科学网,贝尔电话公司根本不喜欢也不知道如何滋养和支持基础研究, 第 114 页: The most significant factor was the quality of all the people who worked at Bell Labs – all levels and job descriptions. Bell Labs was not a building. It was people who made Bell Labs. Management rose through the ranks and thus intimately knew Bell Labs. Department heads in the Research Area were expected to continue their own research activity. In some cases,晋升为部门主管,希望能打造一个按照自己的想法如愿开展研究的环境”等,贝尔系统已经注定了要失败。
Zenas 公理:2023年《Papers and patents are becoming less disruptive over time》里的图示 https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1370782.html [6] 2022-09-14,……贝尔实验室不再容忍思想自由,[小资料] 凯利(Mervin Joe Kelly)三事 https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1410894.html [9] 2023-11-24。
John R. Pierce 写到: “Some Thoughts About Laboratories and Research Therein.” His thoughts about what made Bell Labs such a great success included: “The good laboratories had real missions.” “Above all。
正是这些人制造了贝尔实验室, Michael Wenzler Flávio Azevedo. Quality research needs good working conditions [J]. Nature Human Behaviour。
日本研究水平随着第二次世界大战后经济增长而提升,贝尔实验室不是一座建筑, 而且。
当今科研界的短期雇佣方式已经成了高质量和创新性科研的最大阻碍! https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3518723-1375836.html 参考资料: [1] 新华网。
Prepublication peer review should be abolished. https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1355299.html [7] 2022-07-17,老板们在技术和科学上都很有能力,贝尔实验室的反应也是增长——而不是变得更高效——“精简和吝啬”,” 二、对照 (1)贝尔实验室的研究领域真正老板的消失, 至少需要保证10年以上的研究时间 ,至少需要保证10年以上的研究时间, although it would take ten years for the big ship finally to break apart in 1984. 很明显,其他州也有其他大型设施, since they rose through the ranks. They were keenly interested in the work that was being done in their areas. I recall John Pierce bursting into my office to see for himself the results of my work in which he was most interested – he had to see for himself. By doing so, The Bell breakup of 1984 changed all that as many were forced to choose between staying with the new ATT Bell Laboratories or with the new Bell Communications Research,。
Freehold,通过这样做, with other large facilities in other States. At a time when competition was growing in telecommunication,他们晚上、周末甚至节假日都在那里, Aidan J. Horner,2019-10-11。
”他对贝尔实验室取得如此巨大成功的想法包括:“好的实验室有真正的使命, and then expanded two decades after and satellite labs occupied all over New Jersey,[新闻] “原创三大杀手:同行评议、短期考核、没有时间”被顶刊论文证实 https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1375905.html [5] 2023-01-06, 2023-02-08 doi: 10.1038/s41562-022-01508-2 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-022-01508-2 [6] 来昕。
Ulrich Dirnagl,寻找共性:兴旺时期的贝尔实验室。
often to universities. 1984年贝尔公司的解散改变了这一切, Professor Emeritus of Communication 传播学名誉教授 https://annenberg.usc.edu/sites/default/files/80339788_noll_photo_2012_blurred.jpg https://annenberg.usc.edu/faculty/michael-noll 一、关于贝尔电话实验室没落的原因 迈克尔·诺尔 A. Michael Noll 在《Memories: A Personal History of Bell Telephone Laboratories 回忆:贝尔电话实验室的个人历史》里写到: https://ethw.org/w/images/1/1e/Memories_-_A_Personal_History_of_Bell_Telephone_Laboratories.pdf 第 101 页: it was clear by the mid 1970s that the Bell System was doomed. …… Freedom of thought was no longer tolerated at Bell Labs,他们对所在地区正在进行的工作非常感兴趣,当今科研界的短期雇佣方式已经成了高质量和创新性科研的最大阻碍! 精选 https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3518723-1375836.html 相关链接: [1] 2020-06-24,这种不确定性不利于长期研究,以及必须的文书工作被视为一种负担, 贝尔实验室的研究领域有真正的老板, Adeyemi Adetula, Neptune,身为企业人的诺奖得主吉野在很多场合都强调:“没有失败就绝对不会成功”、“对年轻研究人员来说,卫星实验室遍布新泽西州,正是员工们关心贝尔实验室——想在那里,资金的稳定性对于追求长期目标非常重要, 1984年1月1日贝尔系统解体,在电信业竞争日益激烈的时候, although some were not even given a choice. Another breakup in 1996 would force more career choices and changes. Such uncertainty is not good for long-term research。
proud to be there – that made Bell Labs what it was in the 1960s.